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Think About The Tarot

sually, i use a deck like this. The first thing i do is to open the tarot and put the oracle in the middle. You don't think carefully at this time. My hands just move as they move (i.e., intuition). Always remember your movements. Hand movements remember life.

Speaking of intuition, you may sometimes get goosebumps or anxiety. How do you behave in that case? The goosebumps that come out at this time are not intuitions. Your intuition tells you the act of unconsciousness, which moves or does not move through it. Always remember when choosing or reading tarot. "Turn everything you have learned into an act and erase it from your head!"

Practically this deck of cards foresaw my future and alerted me to the danger. And kindly gave me a chance to change it. I like a card like this. The more soft and warm the card that says good things, the more it can be a thorn in your mouth. Because no one gives me a solution to that.

Cat and Bone

    I shuffle this card and then sprinkle it. I also throw it. It's one of the most beautiful cards among my cards. No one knows the meaning unless they learn this card. You may feel different because each object has a very different meaning from tarot, but as you learn one by one, you will see that this card gives you the most accurate answer.

    Mis understand Fortune

    When I first discovered this deck, I was afraid of this beautiful painting. And I felt a strong attraction at the same time. In this case, the card often tries to eat the human being looking at it, and the Set In Stone I bought this time was also a card like that. At the morning ceremony on the day this card was supposed to come, the iconography study would be of great help to me. Of course, the iconography here is not a symbol of tarot. It is an icon and symbol of art history. It is a card that you need to study and buy.